Cette semaine, on accueille Hushlamb, un label et collectif montréalais « made up of a crew of booty shakin artists dedicated to throwin their breed of love and music to the underground electronic music community ».
Alicia Hush – Live (Hushlamb, Montréal)
Zeina (Hushlamb, Montréal)
2IV2 | ana+one + M4CRO (Hushlamb, Montréal)
Phoenix 1
Le Quai Roulant Food Truck
17h – 00h
Entrée gratuite
Argent comptant seulement (ATM sur place)
Chiens en laisse admis sur le site
Le Village au Pied-du-Courant
Instagram | piedducourant
Twitter | VillageEphemere